Traders at Queen’s Market have hailed Newham Council’s decision to list the site as an Asset of Community Value.

The listing means that the ground cannot be sold without first telling Friends of Queen’s Market, who submitted the application.

They would then be given six months to raise the funds to bid for it should they choose to.

It does not mean that the council must sell the site to Friends of Queen’s Market even if they raise the required money.

Daniel Woodard, who runs a vegetable stall at the Green Street market, said “I’m over the moon. This gives us traders stability and legal safeguards.”

The popular market sells fresh food from a number of different countries and cultures, as well as jewellery, household goods and fabric.

It has taken almost two years for the decision to be made due to a number of factors surrounding the application.

Cllr Ken Clark, cabinet member for building communities, public affairs, regeneration and planning, said: “We have written to the Friends of Queen’s Market to inform them that their application to list the market has been determined.

“The council has determined that the application fulfils the criteria for listing under the Localism Act 2011.

“Unfortunately it has taken longer than expected to determine because of the complex nature of this application which included sites outside the Queen’s Market area, including residential properties.”

Saif Osmani, from Friends of Queen’s Market, added: “We are pleased with the council’s announcement.

“We are now looking to Newham Council to help safeguard the future of our community asset, 112-year-old Queen’s Market, by fixing the roof, so that shoppers continue to have a safe and sound shopping experience”.