Every month, the Police Commissioner calls in all his senior leaders from across London to talk about what is happening in London.

This month, we talked about how the public feel about the police.

Many of our officers in Newham are young, and at the start of their careers; it is rare for them not to sometimes ask questions about their chosen vocation. They may ask themselves after a difficult and long shift, what difference am I making? Is it appreciated?

It is important that we listen and respond to challenges, from the public or from the media, about where we have not done our job, but it can be difficult at times of scrutiny and stress to see and to celebrate real progress. I firmly ­believe that we are achieving a lot on ­behalf of the communities we serve, and that we don’t talk about it enough. This is my last opportunity to talk to you as the borough commander in Newham, ­because I have been asked to serve the commissioner in a new role at New Scotland Yard.

I have enjoyed serving at such a special area of London immensely and I want to tell you before I leave about some of the things we have achieved: Total crime has fallen in Newham. This is not a trick, or a “spin” on figures: there are over a thousand fewer victims of robbery, burglary, motor vehicle crime, thefts, violence and criminal damage in the last year.

We have worked with Newham Council to tackle prostitution, anti social behaviour and gangs. I believe that step by step, we are making real progress and clearing homes for deserving families. We have seized hundreds of vehicles without insurance or being used in crime. We sell them (over £5m has been raised across London in the last two years, with more in Newham than any other area) and use the profits directly to fight crime in communities where it is most needed.

We are the most improved borough in London for the satisfaction of victims of crime with the service we provide. That is at the heart of what our job is about.

Finally, I would like to say that I feel strongly that most of my officers and staff do their best and care about doing a great job. I know that this is not always felt.

Maya Angelou said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel.”

On that note, that is probably more than enough words from me...