Newham Council’s leadership team is taking on a different look following a cabinet reshuffle.

The Mayor of Newham, Sir Robin Wales, has announced a change to the structure, putting cabinet members and mayoral advisors into four broad areas.

Community neighbourhoods will expand, with a team of delivery lead councillors – Cllrs Ayesha Chowdhury, Ann Easter, Pat Murphy and Terry Paul – as mayoral advisors, reporting to Cllr Ken Clark.

In addition to his cabinet post as member for community neighbourhoods, regeneration and planning and public affairs, he has been appointed as statutory deputy mayor, meaning he will officially deputise for Sir Robin when required.

Cllr Lester Hudson will also remain as deputy mayor, but not in a statutory capacity, and will head up a team of resouce lead councillors as well as being the cabinet member for finance.

This team will consist of Cllrs Andrew Baikie, Ian Corbett, Richard Crawford and Tahmina Rahman, and will focus on investments and efficiencies.

Four community lead councillors will oversee the council’s work across the eight community neighbourhood teams – Cllrs Hanif Abdulmuhit, Idris Ibrahim, Mas Patel and Salim Patel.

Sir Robin’s cabinet will broadly remain the same, with Cllrs Frances Clarke, Forhad Hussain, Quintin Peppiatt, and Lakmini Shah remaining in their roles.

Cllr David Christie has been appointed cabinet member for strategic policy, while Cllr Rachel Tripp’s remit has expanded to be the cabinet member for transformation and the small business programme, in addition to equalities.

Cllr Clive Furness will be part of the cabinet as mayoral advisor for adults and health, while Cllr Joy Laguda will be the chair of the council and the civic lead.

Sir Robin Wales said: “Together we have achieved much for our residents but we fully understand that there is much more to do. The challenge ahead of us is great and to ensure we continue meeting it head on, I have reviewed and changed the team around me to support and deliver the council’s commitment and vision.”