The Home Secretary and police have banned the planned EDL march

The Metropolitan Police Service has received the consent of the Home Secretary to prohibit marches in Waltham Forest and three other boroughs including Newham.

This is in light of the plans by the English Defence League (EDL) to carry out a march in Waltham Forest tomorrow.

In addition, the MPS has imposed condition under section 14 of the Public Order Act on the planned static demonstration in Waltham Forest by EDL and associated groups.

Those conditions are that the assembly must take place at Old Palace Yard outside the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, and that it can only be held between 1 and 2pm.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: “Anyone organising or taking part in the demonstration who fails to comply with these conditions under section 14, or who incites others to do so will be committing an offence and may be liable to arrest.

“The decision to apply for the section 14 conditions was made as we had reasons to believe that it could result in serious disorder, serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community could be caused by the presence of a demonstration in this area.”

The prohibition under section 13 of the Public Order Act gives the Commissioner the power to prohibit marches with the consent of the Home Secretary in order to prevent serious public disorder. The decision to apply for a section 13 order was made based on specific intelligence and information which has led us to believe that serious public disorder, violence and damage could be caused by the presence of marches in these areas. Tactically we believe this is the best option to prevent this.

Chief Supt Peter Terry, Gold for the event on Saturday, said: “We have made this decision based on specific intelligence and information, and our message is clear, we do not want people coming into the areas to attend these events. Our engagement work with local communities will continue to ensure that we, wherever possible, address any concerns and provide factual information about the role and legal powers of the police.

The boroughs affected are, Newham, Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Islington. It is not clear what part of Newham the proposed route took in.