More than 200 people attended the 4th Annual Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Conference held at West Ham Football Club recently.

The event was organised by the Newham Sickle Cell Service run by East London NHS Foundation Trust and organisations that support people with these blood conditions.

The annual conference provides patients and professionals to get together outside the clinic environment to share information and strengthen their relationships.

Sickle Cell and Thalassemia are blood conditions that are inherited. They can cause a range of symptoms including anaemia, fatigue, joint pain and organ damage which can lead to further complications. In some cases, an individual can develop a sickle a cell crisis when all the body’s systems are affected.

Four consultant haematologists and a consultant paediatrician were among the presenters who gave expert presentations on aspects of various treatments and interventions. The audience were able to question the specialist nursing team and the doctors and speak to them face-to-face throughout the day.

Sekayi Tangayi, the manager and clinical lead of the Newham Sickle Cell Service, said: “There have been many breakthroughs and developments in how these painful and debilitating conditions can be managed. It is great to have the opportunity to provide an update to people with Sickle Cell or Thalassemia. It is important that they have the information they need to make informed decisions.”

Amanda Elias, Chair of the Newham Patient Support group, gave a talk on the work of the volunteers who do a fantastic job in Newham supporting families.