A care facility for older people with advance dementia moves from Custom House to East Ham

It means the residents of Willow Suite will now be at the newly refurbished Sally Sherman Ward.

East Ham Care Centre in Shrewsbury Road is a specialist unit caring for older people with complex physical health conditions. The aim of the integration is to establish a joint physical and mental health care facility for older people in the borough of Newham.

This is one of the first benefits to be realised from the integration of Community Health Newham with the Trust. The move will enhance the quality of care for older people who need NHS continuing care.

Michael McGhee, Director for Mental Health Care for Older People, said: “We have been meeting with the patients and their families for some time to ensure they have been fully informed every step of the way. This is a really positive move which will mean that older people at East Ham Care Centre will benefit from having mental health care expertise and physical health care experience all under one roof.”

George Soutar, Associate Director of Nursing, said: “Bringing together both services will enable staff from both specialities to learn from each other and share skills and ideas. It will enable us to use this pooled knowledge and skills to provide the best care to support older people and their families.”