Eight schools in east London are starting the second year of their Arts Education consortium with a one-day exhibition of work by pupils and staff being staged today for parents and VIPs.

The cluster of schools in Manor Park has been working over the past 12 months with East End artists from the Bow Arts educational charity, pooling resources on several projects.

Each school has worked with an artist on tailor-made projects, such as ceramics at Dersingham Primary, vinyl window displays at St Winifride’s Primary, willow sculptures at Salisbury Primary and photography at Little Ilford Primary.

The charity also runs training sessions for teachers in different media and encourages learning through Creative literacy, numeracy and science.

The exhibition opens at 2.15pm at Little Ilford Primary in Browning Road, Manor Park. The other schools taking part are Dersingham, Essex, Monega, Salisbury, Sir John Heron and St Winefride’s, as well as Sheringham Nursery.