The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer so here are some tips from Newham police to keep you safe when you’re travelling in the dark.

• Stay in bright, well lit and busy areas

• Try to look and act confident - look like you know where you are going and walk tall

• Spread your valuables around your body - i.e. keep your phone in your bag, keys in your pocket and wallet inside your jacket

• Don’t put your valuables on show - for example, talking on your mobile is an invitation for a thief

• Never leave your bags or other valuables unattended in public places.

• Be discreet with your belongings; displaying expensive jewellery or electronic devices, like mobile phones or cameras, could attract unwanted attention.

• Don’t make your mobile phone a moving target. Don’t tempt mobile phone thieves; be aware when making a call. When you leave a train or tube station don’t use your phone immediately, leave it a while.

• Keep calls in public places as brief as possible, the longer you talk, the more likely you are to be spotted by a potential thief. Don’t walk and text at the same time, you will be less aware of what is happening around you.