Readers knowing my firm East End roots may be surprised to hear that I am a member of Forest Gate Women’s Institute – not because of my abiding fascination with the preservation of rural crafts which was one of the WI’s first objects, but because the Women’s Institute is actually a very feminist organisation dedicated these days to the advancement of education for woman and girls for the public benefit and to the sustainability and conservation of the planet, among other things.

I must confess to a certain glazing-over when gardening is discussed and I have no plans to bake a Victoria sponge for the monthly market stall, but I have thoroughly enjoyed talks by

a stunt artist and a Flamenco dancer and we always have time for a chat, of course.

This year marks the centenary of the WI and we in the Forest Gate branch have decided to put together a booklet, possibly virtual, of hints and tips for life.

I thought long and hard about my contribution. There is the true East End ‘Never pay full price for anything’ or ‘You’re all right as long as you’re one of us’, not to mention the helpful things you can do with WD40 (ask me for the list!)

But, in the end, I decided to write ‘When in doubt, do it!’ because the things I regret, mostly, are those I haven’t done.

If faith means anything, it must mean that we put aside fear, take a deep breath and give a little push on all those doors that God puts in front of us.