A small health charity is holding a free information event to educate the community about cancer.

Ekta, a charity based in Manor Park helping older Asian people access services, has invited charity representatives, cancer specialists, and local doctors to talk about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of cancer.

Information and speeches will be available in Hindi, as well as English, and guests will also be speaking about the importance of physical activity and a healthy diet.

Ekta founder Ramesh Verma, who received an OBE last year, said: “We are only a small charity that doesn’t have any funding but we want to do this because it’s important to raise awareness of cancer in the community.

“We want to save their lives by giving them information and making sure it is accessible to everyone.”

The Ekta Cancer Awareness event is being held on Friday July 19 from 1.30pm to 3.30pm at Durning Hall community centre, Earlham Grove, Forest Gate.