East London boroughs have some of the lowest levels of home ownership in England and Wales, figures have revealed.

New data from the 2021 census reveals that Tower Hamlets is the lowest local authority area for home ownership.

A mere 25.7 per cent of Tower Hamlets households own a home.

Newham and Barking and Dagenham households also have relatively low rates of home ownership at 33.2pc and 34.1pc respectively.

But the data shows much higher home ownership levels in Havering (70.5pc), Redbridge (58.1pc) and Waltham Forest (50.6pc).

Newham Recorder: London boroughs make up all five of the local authority areas with the lowest proportions of home ownersLondon boroughs make up all five of the local authority areas with the lowest proportions of home owners (Image: PA)

Tower Hamlets also topped the list for the proportion of households in social housing, with 40.5pc renting their accomodation from a local authority, housing association or other organisation.

The borough was also among the top five local authority areas for private renting. 

A total of 38.2pc of Tower Hamlets households rent accomodation privately, while 38.5pc of households in Newham do the same.

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Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter, said: "Predictably the number of private rented households in England has skyrocketed since 2011.

"Despite this, regulation of the sector stagnates. Every day our emergency helpline hears from private renters paying through the nose for damp, mouldy homes, and families too scared to complain for fear they’ll be kicked out."

She added: "The only lasting solution to our housing emergency is building more social homes."