New York’s celebrated and stunningly colourful Rainbow Bagels have arrived in one east London bagel shop.

You can now taste the rainbow for just 50p – and there’s not a leprechaun in sight.

Multicoloured bagels – or beigels, depending on how you grew up referring to them – are now available to buy at Beigel Shop in Brick Lane.

That’s the one with the yellow sign, not nearby Beigel Bake with the white sign.

The annular neon breads are apparently made with “just a little bit of food colouring mixed with an awful lot of love”.

If you’re worried your usual salt beef filling might be a bit strange with one of the new creations, don’t worry. As the Beigel Shop has demonstrated by posting a photo of a beef-filled Rainbow Bagel, the bagels are savoury and will still complement your smoked salmon.

The original Rainbow Bagel emerged in Brooklyn, New York, in Scot Rosillo’s The Bagel Store. If you fancy going for a sweet rainbow, you should know the Mr Rosillo’s originals can be bought filled with “Funfetti cream cheese” – a sweetened cream cheese stuffed with hundreds and thousands.

Since Rainbow Bagel snaps began spreading like wildfire across social media, Mr Rosillo’s cafe is now no longer able to take reservations. They are just too popular.

The same thing might be about to happen to Beigel Shop, so heading over soon could be a good plan.

Beigel Shop, 155 Brick Lane, E1 6SB