A vigil to remember the 20 victims of a World War II V1 flying bomb is being held in Forest Gate this evening.

It is an anti-fascist and anti-racist event to remember those who died during the war.

The bomb struck a bus in the early evening on Thursday July 27, 1944 outside The Hollytree Pub.

Cyril Demarne, an eyewitness fireman, is quoted in The Heroic Story of the Second World War Bomb Disposal Teams by James Owen as saying: “A particularly nasty, gory situation confronted us. A trolley bus, crammed with home going workers, had caught the full blast and the whole area was a sickening sight.

“Dismembered bodies littered the roadway, others were splattered over the brickwork of the houses across the way and the wreckage of the trolley bus was simply too ghastly to describe.

“The lower deck seated passengers were all dead. Although many of the victims had been decapitated, they were still sitting down, as if waiting to have their fares collected.”

Cllr Seyi Akiwowo, who has helped organise the event, said: “In Forest Gate we have a history of remembering those who fall victim to poisonous ideologies. We want to pay our respects to those who died.”

The vigil will be outside The Hollytree Pub in Dames Road at 6.30pm.