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Remembering Our Lovely Dad THOMAS PATRICK DAY 14.02.29 - 13.02.92 ON FATHERS DAY Good was your heart, your friendship true. loved and respected by all you knew. To a beautiful Life came a sudden end, but you died as you lived, everyones friend. In Life you were so dearly loved. In death a precious memory you left behind. THINKING OF YOU ALWAYS WE ALL LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH DAD YOU WERE SIMPLY THE BEST DAD EVER YOUR EVER-LOVING FAMILY Tommy, Eileen, Tony, Alan, Susan, Teddy and Lesley Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Give Mummy and Tommy a big kiss and cuddle from all of us x x x x x x x x x Remembering My Lovely Dad THOMAS PATRICK DAY "Tommy" 2nd January 1951 - 1st March 2017 ON FATHERS DAY Happy Heavenly Fathers Day to my one in a million Dad and Grandad and Great Grandad. The first one without you Dad. HEART OF GOLD, HEART OF A LION Enjoy your drink with Grandad Tom and Nanny Ei. YOU ARE LOVED AND MISSED BY ALL OF US MORE THAN ANY WORDS COULD EVER SAY DAD. YOU WERE SIMPLY THE BEST DAD EVER. ALL OUR LOVE ALWAYS AND FOREVER. Your loving son Tommy, Nicola, Emily and Lainey, Tommy, Amy-Lea and Rodney x x x x x x All our love also from Eileen, Tony, Alan, Susan, Teddy, Lesley and families. Give Mummy and Daddy a big kiss and cuddle. x x x x x x
Published on 21/06/2017